《 今回のworkshop 》
○【後半】:[Agenda] How should we do to deal with the climate change?
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今回のfirst halfは若手スタッフのTさんに作成していただきました。
○【後半】:[Agenda] How should we do to deal with the climate change?
latter halfは幹事で、大学研究員のKさんに作成していただきました。
E’s clubでは後半に社会問題のディスカッションをしておりますが、
<英語サークル E’s club 第32回workshopのご案内>
みなさまこんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。第32回workshopの詳細をお送りいたします。
<first half>
今回のfirst halfはTさんに作成していただきました。
Make a table of 6 persons.
Divide your table (6 persons) into 2 teams (3 persons×2 teams).
Choose one topic to discuss with in your table (6 persons).
Not necessarily have to choose a topic from examples below.
*Important factor to learn English
*The dangers you have passed through during the travel
*the things you are thinking a lot recently
*the techniques of saving money
*the plan of your next summer vacation
*favorite movies
*failure story
*What if you have more money than one will ever use?
Before starting discussion, have an internal talk in your team (3 persons) and decide the 5 “NG” words of opposing team.
Please note that these 5 “NG” words have to be nouns (not pronouns).
10分経つ前に、どちらかのチームが5つ言いきってしまったら、NGワード関係なくディスを続けてもいいですし、チャットしていただいてもいいで すし、自由にお過ごしください。
Have a ten-minute discussion per one theme in a table of 6 person, 3 on 3.
The team wins the game by making the opposing team members say more NG words than your team.
Please indicate when some opposing team member says one of NG words on the spot.
If the game finishes by saying all the NG words, you can keep discussing the theme regardless of NG words, have a chat, or relax.
After a ten-minute discussion, please repeat (3)~(5).
また一方で、「相手がどのワードを言わせようと誘導しているのか」というのを見極めて、そのワードは言わないようにする、という駆け引きも重要な ポイントになります。
<latter half>
マテリアルは”Open2.net”というサイトの”Ethics Bites”というシリーズもののインタビューの一部です。
<How should we do to deal with the climate change?>
1. In what point are you anxious about the global climate change?
2. Who do you think most severely suffer from the global climate change?
And who do you think are responsible for it?
3. Do you agree with the restriction of the economic growth to reduce the emission of greenhouse effect gas? And why?
4. Do you agree with the restriction of the number of children to reduce the population? And why?
5. Do you think there should be sanctions for the countries that particularly damage the environment? And why?
6. How do you think Japan should do to deal with the climate change? And why?
Climate Change (An excerpt from the website below)
By: Dr James Garvey
Ethics Bites on Open2.net
Nigel: The topic we’re focusing on today is ethics and climate change. I know you’re not a scientist but you have done a lot of research into the effects of climate change; I wonder if you can sketch what’s going to happen unless we take very serious action.
James: Well the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has done a lot of surveys of the literature and they give us a range of 1.1 to 6.4 degrees Celsius as the amount of warming we can expect in the next century. The bottom end of that is associated with a world in which we don’t emit another whisper of carbon dioxide. The changes that are already underway are things like retreat of snow cover. That’s worrying because 1/6th of the population gets its water from melting snow and ice. Hot extremes will become more frequent. Typhoons and hurricanes will become more intense. Precipitation will change throughout the world – places that are already wet will become more so, and there’ll be more flooding. Places that are dry will experience more drought. There’s a possibility of worse to come; things like the gulf-stream could shut down in the future if things carry on as they are. And also of course the sea level will rise. If you think in terms of plants and animals, something like 15% to 37% of plants and animals will be locked into extinction by 2050. We’re living through the 6th major extinction our planet has experienced. The last one did in the dinosaurs. In 2003, 35,000 people died as a result of just heat in Europe, so the heat alone can kill us. And it’s also true that as the sea level rises, peoples’ lives will have to change: half the people on the planet currently live on the coast.
Nigel: So that’s a pretty grim forecast. What are the ethical issues for us?
James: There’s a lot of unnecessary suffering ahead if we don’t make certain choices now. And I suppose that’s as moral as anything – avoiding human suffering.
Nigel: But I could respond to that, I’m not likely to be the one who’s going to suffer – why should I care about future generations?
James: Whatever else morality is, it involves sometimes putting the needs of other people before one’s own. And it’s true that one of the strange facts about climate change is that it involves generations now cutting back and making sacrifices for people who aren’t yet born. But every day hopefully, if you’re a good person, you’ll make sacrifices for people who are right in front of you – and there’s not much of a moral difference between someone right in front of you and somebody on the other side of the world when it comes to a moral decision. And similarly there’s not much morally relevant difference between someone alive today and someone alive in 100 years.
Nigel: And you don’t think that the fact that these harms take place in the future is irrelevant. You think there’s a strong moral reason to sacrifice growth today for the sake of future generations?
James: I think there is. I’m convinced that spatial distance is morally irrelevant when it comes to doing what’s right. So the philosopher Peter Singer famously argues that if you’re walking past a child who’s drowning you ought to wade in even at some cost to yourself, even if it means getting your clothes a bit muddy you ought to do it. And the fact that there’s a child in Africa, the fact that that child is some distance away is not relevant to the obligation you have to doing something even if you’re inconvenienced in some way. And I’m inclined to think that temporal distance doesn’t matter much either. That whether the child is alive today or in a year, I think you still have to have some obligations towards that child.
Nigel: For most of us going green could be seen as a kind of self-deception about climate change. I put my bottles in the recycling unit, I switch the odd light off, I take the bus instead of driving by car occasionally, or I buy a bicycle; now that’s not going to make very much difference to the planet, surely.
James: That’s true. One of the hardest things to get past when you’re thinking about climate change is the thought that your own actions have no relevant consequences or no big consequences. The way I get past it is that I think the United States, for example, is the biggest contributor to climate change, maybe 4% of the population of the planet is responsible for 25% of emissions, but yet it does nothing about climate change. I also think it’s got the most room to reduce – the most luxury emissions – so it’s got more room to reduce than others. And you can feel moral outrage at that.
It’s possible to think about your own life and to recognize that say an American is responsible for a lot more per capita than somebody from Uganda and think that they ought to be doing a lot more – so in my own life my own per capita emissions are much higher than the average person on the planet’s emissions. And I can feel a kind of moral outrage at that, just as I do at America. I can think that I’ve got a lot more room to reduce my emissions just as America does. Though it’s not the same magnitude of harm that I do, it’s still harm and it’s still wrong.
Nigel: The best way to stop carbon emissions is to reduce the population. Are you going to go that far and say we ought to impose restrictions on the number of children that people can have?
James: I do think it’s true that there are probably too many people on the planet using too many resources. It’s difficult to get away from that conclusion. It’s a horrible thought that the right thing to do is to place restrictions on human beings. Because a lot of human happiness has to do with children, and raising children. I’m not sure I’m willing to say that there ought to be legislation or that people’s lives should be interfered with to that extent.
Nigel: Is history the only thing relevant to the question of responsibility here?
James: Our values grew up in very small tribal groups, so we’re very good at spotting rights and wrongs locally. If somebody shoplifts a bottle of tequila you can tell immediately that something’s wrong there. It’s much more difficult to think we got up this morning and we had toast and tea and coffee and we’ve been doing that for some time and we drive to work and we have hot showers in the morning, and everything. And putting all of those millions of little events together over time and saying you’re then somehow responsible for the sea level increasing in China in 100 years and the deaths of people that result from that is a difficult thing to approach. You can, though, approach responsibility from three directions.
One of them is history. The fact that certain countries have a longer and larger history of industrialization and therefore have put more of the stuff in the atmosphere and therefore are responsible for more of the damage.
You can also think about the present. Present entitlements, or capacities. Ignoring the history of climate change you can just think well now it’s quite disproportionate the uses of our carbon sinks. Maybe, therefore, there’s a responsibility for those who use more to cut back a bit. You can also think about present capacities. For example, some countries have more luxury emissions than subsistence emissions, so it’s easier for them to make cuts. They also might have a better infrastructure – maybe they’re a superpower and they have the brains and the money to make cuts.
And you can finally think about the future. And you can think that every developing or developed nation has a responsibility to do something to ensure that the future is a reasonable place for people to live in.
Nigel: And what about sanctions, do you think there should be sanctions as a way of shaping the behaviour of those countries that are particularly damaging to the environment?
James: Absolutely. As Hobbes said, covenants without the sword are but words. And if sanctions were the right thing to do to South Africa under apartheid, certainly they were the right thing to do because South Africa was harming its own people. And those who refused to take actions on climate change are harming more than just their own people, but the people all over the world – and no doubt it’s the most poor who will be the most affected who will be the least likely to be able to do something. So I think sanctions are warranted yes. I also think that collective action or civil disobedience on the part of people within a country are justified as well.