○【前半】:Let’s learn from great people
○【後半】:How can we cope with peer pressure well?
Let’s learn from great people
Recently, I had a chance to learn about Mr. Konosuke Matsushita, who is the founder of Panasonic Corporation.
What he did was really interesting that I wanted to know about him more. So, I went to the Panasonic Museum and enjoyed it very much.
This experience taught me that learning from great people is intriguing and give us tips for our life.
I would like you to learn from historical great people as well.
1. What are your favorite historical figures? Why?
2. What are your favorite sayings of them?
3. What did you learn from them? Please share it after the discussion.
How can we cope with peer pressure well?
During the COVID-19 pandemic, “Jisyuku Keisatu” or “Mask Keisatsu” were brought up as one of the negative words. Due to this, many Japanese hesitated to go outside and do that without masks. One of the reasons for this is “peer pressure”. Definition of it is the strong influence of a group, on members of that group to behave as everyone else does. Some people (including me) feel smothered by “peer pressure”. Currently, I am reading a book about it to understand the effect deeply. Through the discussion, I would like to get your perspective.
1. When did you feel peer pressure? How did you feel about it?
2. Please enumerate positive and negative effects of peer pressure.
3. Do you agree that Japanese tend to be influenced by peer pressure compared to other countries? Why or why not?
4. How can we cope with peer pressure well? Please share it after the discussion.
同調圧力 日本社会はなぜ息苦しいのか (講談社現代新書)