第243回 Workshop報告(7月8日)/参加者10名

《今回のworkshop 》
○【前半】:Why am I so lazy?
○【後半】:The meanings of health



Why am I so lazy?

  What is your greatest weakness? Some people might answer “It’s my procrastination.”

Procrastination is putting off to later what you should be doing now even if you’ll be worse off.

Perhaps you pay your bills late, don’t start work on big projects until the night before the deadline, or delay gift shopping until the day before a birthday.

Recent surveys found out procrastination also has a bad effect on our mental health, and it causes depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

But it’s extremely hard to deal with flaws by yourself and encouraging others to do it is even harder.

It’s definitely important to understand why we procrastinate so that we can tackle this problem altogether.


Q1. Are you a type of person who procrastinates?

If not, do you have any bad habits you want to fix?

Have you gotten into any trouble due to procrastination or bad habits?

Q2. Why do people procrastinate even if they know it is more likely to cause unpleasant consequences?

Q3. Suppose you were a team manager at work.

Your colleagues have a tendency to procrastinate.

What would you do to make them meet a deadline?

What kind of tips would you give to them?


25 Procrastination Statistics To Change Your Life In (2023) – Soocial



The meanings of health

When it comes to health, we generally describe food or exercise, though it has more meanings.

In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health with a phrase

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

In 1986, the WHO made further clarifications:

“A resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.”

In that discussion, we would know there are lots of elements that got involved in health, such as income and social status; social support networks; education; employment/ working conditions.

Here are the questions we would discuss.


Q1.  Describe the episodes Income contributes to health.

(it doesn’t have to be about yourself. It could be about your friends, news you heard of, )

Q2. Give recommendations to get healthy even if they are poor.

Q3. If you were a president of the company, what would you do for your employee’s health?

( Some companies try to employ 相談員, or  prevent them from overworking.)
