第104回 WORKSHOP報告(5月9日) / 参加者86名

第104回 WORKSHOP報告(5月9日) / 参加者86名



















《 今回のworkshop 》






○【後半】:<Agenda>” Concerns over “The internet of things”



<英語サークル E’s club 第104回workshopのご案内>


こんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。











Tax is one of the current topics.

The consumption tax rate was raised from 5% to 8% in Apr 2014, and the plan of increasing the rate from 8% to 10% in Oct 2015 was postponed until Apr 2017.

Today, I want you to discuss our taxes first, and consumption tax next.

But consumption tax is closely connected with social security, so it’s nonsense to discuss only consumption tax.

Then we will discuss consumption tax and social security.



1. 小学校に入学してから中学校を卒業するまで、生徒一人当たりに使われる税金は何円?



2. 税金の種類により、税金の納付先が異なることを知っていますか?


①国税(national):所得税(income tax)、消費税(consumption tax)(8%の内の6.3%)など。

②道府県民税(prefectural):法人住民税(corporate inhabitant tax)、事業税(enterprise tax)など。

③市町村民税(municipal):個人住民税個人(individual inhabitant tax)、固定資産税(fixed assets tax)など。


3. 消費税は、使途が特定されている税金です。その特定された使途を知っていますか?


また、消費税のように使途が特定されている税金のことを「目的税」といいます。地方道路税(国税:local road tax)や入湯税(市町村税:bathing tax)なども目的税です。なお、揮発油税(国税:gasoline tax)や自動車重量税(国税:automobile tonnage tax)、自動車取得税(道府県税:automobile acquisition tax)は、主な使途が道路交通関連ですが、目的税ではありません。



1. Please introduce yourselves and add that you are employee, self-employed person or others.


2. Have you ever gone to tax office? If ’yes’, please tell us how that was.


3-1. What kind of taxes have you ever paid?


3-2. When do you have to pay the taxes?

Who impose the taxes on you? (nation, prefecture or city)


3-3. Do you think those taxes are expensive compared with the benefit you have got?


4-1. Are you satisfied with public services and infrastructure? Why or why not?


4-2. If ’yes’, do you want worse public services and infrastructure and lower taxes?


4-3. If ’no’, do you want better public services and infrastructure and higher taxes?


5. The use of consumption tax is limited 4 expenses. Are these expenses enough or too much?

Do you want to add other expenses or cross out any expenses?





Concerns over “The internet of things”




Tom Reeve, senior reporter, SC Magazine UK

April 24, 2015

RSA Conference 2015: Prepare for the IoT before it’s too late, Sorebo warns


The law of unintended consequences on the Internet will only get worse with the explosion in the number of connected devices. That’s according to Gib Sorebo, chief cyber-security technologist at Leidos, who addressed a session at the RSA conference session, “Managing the Unmanageable: A Risk Model for the Internet of Things.”


This is partly due to the sheer number of devices that will be able to connect to the Internet and partly due to the number of these IP devices that will be able to interact with the physical world.


He said that it was imperative that organisations sort out their policies regarding connected devices as soon as possible. “And you need to understand the use cases as well,” Sorebo told SCMagazineUK.com.


One of the side effects of the Internet of Things (IoT) will be an increase in the amount of data collected on individuals, which will lead to privacy concerns.


“It may be perfectly okay to have thousands or millions of sensors that can gather weather information — that may be purely innocuous – but as soon as you say we are going to gather video and sound with those same devices, it becomes a privacy concern,” he said.


As physical devices are given IP addresses, interaction between the cyber-world and the physical world will become normal.


“Some industries like manufacturing and control systems have been doing it for decades but we are adding these new industries – Amazon wants to do it with drones – so there’s a lot of new industries that have not been involved in the cyber-physical world that are now getting more involved,” he said.


There is a danger that people will put too much trust in their IP enabled physical devices, Sorebo warned.


The devices and systems to which they are attached should be built with the assumption that they can – and probably will be – hacked. Physical overrides like the brakes in a car should be able to work independently of the network.


The people who operate complex systems like power stations should understand how it works independently of the applications that have been created to run it.


“With engineers retiring at rapid rates in utility industries… we won’t have people that understand the basics behind it,” he said. “They will know how to enter into a computer program and do this or that, but they may not understand how things are put together and what to do if there’s a problem.”


But his is not a counsel of despair. “I don’t think it’s intractable, but there are always going to be unintended consequences to everything we do.”


One solution is to limit the allowable uses to which devices can be put because one of the causes of unintended consequences is when something created for one purpose is used for another.


Many of the issues faced by the Internet of Things are the same as those faced by the Internet itself.


“It’s the same issues we see at the Internet but we are seeing it in the physical world now and I think that is the biggest challenge,” he said. “I mean not everything in the IoT is interacting with the world but I think that’s the biggest challenge we see with that.”


This article originally appeared on SC Magazine UK.


For more information about IoT you can try this wikpedia page.


Internet of Things – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



1) What did you think of the article?

Are you worried about the lack of privacy due to “The Internet of Things” and a reliance on internet connected devices and the internet itself? What do you know about the Internet of Things?


2) How are internet connected devices changing the way we live and communicate?

How many internet connected devices do you have? Do you like using these kinds of devices; which ones are your favorites?

Are you interested in purchasing any internet connected devices? What do you think of Smart phones, Smart watches, the Google Glass, and so on? What are the good and bad points of these kinds of devices?

How important is it to you to have a device which can track your health? What do you think of wearable technology?


3) What do you think is the most useful thing about the Internet?

What is the most dangerous thing about it? Have you had any bad experiences on the internet? How worried are you about privacy on the internet?


4) What technological revolutions do you think will happen in the future?

What technological revolutions have happened in your lifetime? How has your life changed since you your childhood days, due to technology?


5) What economic and social changes could the Internet of Things bring?

What bad things could the Internet of Things bring?


6) What do you think of the idea of our brain being connected to the Internet?














