第82回 WORKSHOP報告(5月10日) / 参加者82名

第82回 WORKSHOP報告(5月10日) / 参加者82名















《 今回のworkshop 》






○【後半】:”How should we prepare for disasters?”というテーマでディスカッション




<英語サークル E’s club 第82回workshopのご案内>


みなさまこんばんは、E’s club幹事のKです。




前半は”self‐fulfillment”、後半は”How should we prepare for disasters?”というテーマでそれぞれディスカッションを行ないます。
















Please introduce yourself to our new friends.



Are you now engaged in work that you really like or are interested in?


If yes

How do you like that? What are the highlights and drawbacks?


If no

Do you want to make use of what you like for your job?



1-2minuites speech! (Please take turns.)

When do you think you let yourself smile the best (/most)?

Please share your [happy/exciting/nice(anything is ok!)] experiences or the moments with the members.



What kind of person would you like to be in the future?

Do you have a self-image of yourself?





How should we prepare for disasters?


There has been several disasters occurred around us.

The recent disasters are “East-Japan Earthquake”, “Typhoon 12th 2011(Nara, Wakayama)”, “Typhoon 18th 2013(Kyoto(especially Arashiyama), Shiga)” and “Guerrilla rain in Kyoto Uji”.

It says that Nankai Trough Earthquake will probably happen (within 30 years, 70% possibility).

Though Osaka is far from the source of quake, there will be huge influence on Osaka, mainly because the water control system isn’t strong enough.

This time, let’s talk about the preparation for earthquake and other disasters.



(1)Please share your experiences of facing disasters, including earthquake, tsunami, typhoon, guerrilla rain, thunder, heavy snow and tornado.

How was the situation like ? Is there any lesson from the experiences?


(2)Does your company hold an evacuation training?

If yes, how is it like? Is there some special feature?


(3)Last summer, a false report about 7 level intensity earthquake in Nara Pref. was delivered through mobile phones, Internet and TV.


Though it was a mistake, some people said it was a good opportunity to know how much we’ve prepared for earthquakes.

[1]At that time, what did you do first when you heard the alarm of mobile phone etc?

[2]Do you think your first action was the best? What do you think the best action is?


(4)To prepare for the Nankai Trough huge earthquake (that will come someday in the future), what should we do ?

[1]What have(/will) you done(/do) to prepare for it?

(decide the meeting point / the way to make contact with your family, stock foods and water, prepare emergency supplies like radio, light, battery and so on, etc…)

[2]What have(/will) your company done(/do) to prepare for it?


If your group has time, please discuss the topic below.

(5)Focusing on the evacuation supplies, please list all the things we should prepare for, in your group.

And if you know some rare or specific supplies, please share the ideas in your group.

(preservative food, manual/solar powered radio with light and mobile-charger, etc)




Osaka warns of dire Nankai quake toll

The Japan Times

OCT 31, 2013


OSAKA – The disastrous earthquake expected to occur in the Nankai Trough off the Pacific coast could cause more than 130,000 deaths in Osaka alone, the prefectural government said Wednesday.


If people do not act promptly to escape the tsunami spawned by the quake, the death toll could reach 133,891, it reported at a meeting of its disaster response team.


That’s more than 13 times the central government’s estimate of 9,800 for Osaka.


A swift evacuation would reduce that number to 8,806, according to Osaka’s estimate.


In August, the prefecture said that, based on its own analysis, including estimates of how far the seawalls would sink as a result of the quake, the ensuing tsunami could flood an area 3.6 times larger than the central government’s estimate.


Areas around Osaka Station might be submerged by 2 meters of water, it said.


Osaka’s estimates were based on a huge earthquake hitting western Japan at 6 p.m. on a winter day.


Linking its new death toll projection to evacuation speed, Osaka said deaths will reach the maximum level under two scenarios: if only 20 percent of the people evacuate within 10 minutes of the quake or only 50 percent flee within 20 minutes of the quake.


The remaining 30 percent of the populace is not expected to evacuate.


As many as 132,967 lives are expected to be taken by tsunami, with 90 percent of the deaths projected to be concentrated in the city of Osaka.


If everybody starts evacuating within 10 minutes, the number of tsunami victims would fall to 7,882, with 735 expected to die under collapsed buildings and 176 from fire, according to the prefecture’s estimate.





[1] Japan Daily Pressより(http://japandailypress.com/sdf-hold-drill-in-preparation-for-huge-earthquake-in-nankai-trough-0431699/)



[2] 朝日新聞Webより (http://www.asahi.com/special/nankai_trough/)

<死者数>大阪府 7700人








[3] 大阪市立 阿倍野防災センター (入館無料。震度7の体感できます。)



[4] 大阪府 津波高潮ステーション(入館無料。水の都かつ水に弱い街、大阪について知ることができます)






[5] 産経ニュース




[6] 和歌山県による南海トラフ巨大地震発生時の津波想定 (動画)





[7] 消防庁 防災マニュアル(地震が起こった時の初動対応いろいろ)



[8] 楽天市場 防災グッズいろいろ
















