第70回 WORKSHOP報告(10月19日) / 参加者76名

第70回 WORKSHOP報告(10月19日) / 参加者76名
















《 今回のworkshop 》




○【前半】:” 3種の神器”というテーマでディスカッション


○【後半】:” What is the significance of lifelong learning?”とテーマでディスカッション



<英語サークル E’s club 第70回workshopのご案内>【会場にご注意ください】


みなさまこんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。第70回workshopの詳細をお送りいたします。






みなさんこんばんは。 Sと申します。





1960年代は、Color TV、エアコン、車





Q1 Natural disaster happened. You have to move to new apartment or house.

Choose three household appliances which you want to bring home. And please explain why you choose them.

(Assume you live alone.)

Examples of household appliances include, washing machine, car, refrigerator, mobile phone, radio, microwave, digital camera, computer, music player, Nintendo DS, electric guitar, water heater, e-book, radiation measuring instruments, e-books, coffee maker, washing machine toilet, hair dryer, etc.


Q2 Assume the members of your table live together.

Choose three household appliances.

If you have difficulty in choosing three appliances, share ideas for living without some of candidate items.


Q3 We have discussed two questions based on two assumptions.

In Q1 we live alone, in Q2 we live together.

If there is a big difference between goods that are selected in Q1 and in Q2, discuss why this difference occurs.


Q4 (If you have enough time to discuss)

Please discuss three sacred treasures of three decades later.

If you come up with goods you want in the future, please share your ideas without hesitation.





What is the significance of lifelong learning?



Q1. If you have enough time to learn something (except English), what do you want to learn?

And why do you want to learn it?


Q2. What is the difference between education at schools and lifelong learning?


Q3. MEXT says “some students have trouble transiting into society or their respective occupation smoothly after graduation” and “schools will be required to … promote career education and vocational education”.

When it comes to the university education, some say universities should promote career education.

And others say universities should focus on academic education.

Which side do you support? And why?


Q4. What is the significance of lifelong learning?

Some people might say lifelong learning should make a contribution to improve the quality of learner’s work.

Others might say learning itself is worth doing.

What do you think? Clarify your position and tell the reason.


Q5. Imagine you’ll open a place for the lifelong learning by making use of your experiences.

Draw up a plan for the activity of it.

What could participants learn from the activity?

And how do you support their learning?



Creation of Lifelong Learning Society

from “2008 White Paper on Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology”




Our present day society has undergone great changes with respect to internationalization, informatization, the progress of science and technology, Aging society with fewer children. Thus the need of a Lifelong Learning Society, in which people can freely choose their own learning opportunities at anytime and in which their achievements are appropriately assessed, has grown The philosophy of lifelong learning was clarified in the Basic Act on Education amended in December 2006. In the Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education drawn out in July 2008, creating an environment where everyone can learn anywhere and at anytime in their lives, is a measure to be achieved within 5 years.


The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has promoted various measures such as expanding the acceptance of adult students in universities, promoting the Open University of Japan and the enhancement of diverse learning opportunities by promoting social education. In the future MEXT will promote other measures that will contribute to the process of building a Lifelong Learning Society.



Topic The Future of Career Education and Vocational Education in Schools

As society gets more complicated and diversified, the industrial and employment structures have changed greatly, for example, the increasing importance of the service economy, changing employment practices, the increasing number of non-regular employment and a shrinkage of vocational training in companies.


In these situations, as the interest and concern in the occupation and the career of students have diversified, some students have trouble transiting into society or their respective occupation smoothly after graduation. For example, the ‘freeters’, young people who do not have any work and the prompt turnover of new graduates are recognized as social problems.


In the future, schools will be required to handle the changes in the industrial and employment structure as well as the demands in society and promote career education and vocational education based on the educational stages of development from elementary and secondary to higher education. Also, schools will be required to cultivate the knowledge, skills and views of the career and work needed for transiting into society and their respective occupation in each developmental stage, and to support students to build the foundation for their future and live independently.


Under these circumstances, the minister of MEXT consulted the Central Council for Education with regards to the future state of career and vocational education in December 2008.


Following this consultation, the Central Council for Education set up the Special Committee for Career and Vocational Education, which consists of academics, school officials and officials in industry or labor.


Currently, the Special Committee vigorously discusses from a broad perspective the following issues. 1) To clarify the basic and general abilities needed for a smooth transition from schools to society or their respective occupation and the establishment of systematic career education according to the stages of development, 2) how vocational education should be to meet the diversified needs from high-school students beyond general education courses, specialized courses and integrated courses and, 3) how vocational education should be in institutes of higher education with sophisticated knowledge and skills for work.













