第245回 Workshop報告(8月19日)/参加者11名

《今回のworkshop 》
○【後半】:The importance of rest for productivity



1. How Do You Define Love?

2. If You Could Have The Answer To Any Question, What Would That Question Be?

3. What Are You Most Grateful For?

4. Why Did You Choose Your Profession?

5. How Would Your Best Friends Describe You?

6. If You Could Master One Skill You Don’t Have Right Now, What Would It Be?

7. If You Could Speak Another Language, Which Would It Be And Why?

8. If You Could Change One Event From History, What Would It Be?

9. If You Could Bring One Fictional Character To Life, Who Would It Be And Why?

10. Would You Rather Live In The City Or The Woods? Why??



The importance of rest for productivity

Are you getting enough sleep lately? Do you feel like your day includes enough breaks to rest when you’re working? Many of us would likely answer no to these questions. Modern office workers are required to balance multiple responsibilities with the development of technology and often result in long working hours. When we think about being productive, we probably imagine a person who is actively working rather than resting. However, rest is actually an essential part of working well. Breaks, including walking, exercising, make us more focused, motivated and boost our productivity. They can help prevent decision fatigue and procrastination. Therefore, we need to understand the relationship between breaks and working well.


1. What are your preferred ways to spend your weekends and long holidays? And what is your ideal vacation length for you if you could have?

2. How do you refresh yourself when you feel stressed? And do you think labor productivity increases after refreshing? Please explain the reason.

3. Some companies have started introducing a 4-day workweek. Do you think more and more Japanese companies should introduce a 4-day workweek? Why or why not?

Please share the summary of your group about Q3 at the end.


How To Work Less And Get More Done


The science of rest and why it is important to daydream


Four-day workweek trial: The firms where it didn’t work

