第237回 Workshop報告(2月18日)/参加者16名

《今回のworkshop 》
○【前半】:Are parks dangerous?
○【後半】:What’s self-esteem?



Are parks dangerous?

 In your childhood, you may have been asked “What do you want to play?” by your friend. How did you react to the question? What was your favorite childhood game? (tag, capture insects, video games)

Recently, safety awareness is improving, which has made many restrictions in parks. On January 29th, Yahoo News reported that one piece of playground equipment was removed, because it was said to be dangerous. However, some people say removing it is extreme because the playground equipment is not too dangerous.

 Let’s consider the best options for the children:


1. What did you play when you were a child?

2. Have you ever felt like you experienced danger while you were playing in a park?

3. Where do we draw the line for what is dangerous for children? How about removing the banana slide?

4. Do you have any ideas on how to improve children’s health and fitness, while also keeping them safe in parks?

After the discussion, please share anything else your group talked about.


(1)バナナ滑り台から子どもが落下、経験者が危険性指摘 自治体も対象年齢の周知に苦慮

(弁護士ドットコムニュース) – Yahoo!ニュース


(2)遊具で7歳女児が指切断 大阪・岸和田の公園 – 産経ニュース


(3) 【新型コロナ】小・中学生の体力が低下 運動時間が減少し、肥満は増加 スポーツ庁「全国

体力・運動能力調査」 | ニュース | 保健指導リソースガイド




What’s self-esteem?

Have you ever heard the word “自己肯定感”, which is self-esteem in English? These days, the word is a trend and many books and magazines have special features on it. That means a lot of Japanese people are interested in it and want to improve our self-esteem.

  According to a survey conducted by the Cabinet Office on young people aged 13-29 in seven countries, including Japan, Japanese people were less satisfied with themselves and thought they had less strong point. Why do Japanese people tend to have low self-esteem?

  Before considering the reason, what is exactly self-esteem, and what makes you have low self-esteem? In general, it’s defined as accepting just being yourself and believing you’re precious and irreplaceable without comparison with others. Also, it’s said that negative experiences such as failure, bullying, or comparison make you lose your self-esteem. Especially, how parents raised you is deeply related to it.

  However, I hope you can develop your self-esteem, no matter how sad or hard your past experiences are. It’s crucial to feel you’re worthy or good enough in order to live happily. If you accept just being yourself, you can be honest, positive, and mentally stable, moreover, you can accept others’ differences. Actually, I used to be one of people who struggled with low self-esteem, but I gradually got to feel comfortable with just being myself. That’s why I chose this topic today. Let’s discuss the following questions.


Why do you think Japanese people tend to have low self-esteem?

How should parents raise their children to develop their children’s self-esteem?

How can you improve your self-esteem? Let’s share your experiences or ideas.


