《今回のworkshop 》
○【前半】:New Year’s resolution
○【後半】:Backcasting – one of the methods that help you create a plan
New Year’s resolution
It is December! New Year is just around the corner. In January, people tend to make a New Year’s resolution such as studying English hard, building a fit or muscular body, making new friends, etc.
Do you remember what is your resolution for 2022? I have been setting the same goals for many years since I could not achieve them. I assume that some people are in the same situation as me.
So, I researched how to achieve our own goals in 2023 and will share some tips.
1. What is your 2022’s resolution? Did you achieve it?
If yes, how did you do it? If not, why cannot you do it?
If you do not remember or make the resolution, please look back at this year.
2. What do you think are the key factors to achieve a new year’s resolution?
3. What will be your 2023’s resolution?
What would be your plan to make the resolution happen?
After discussion, please share anything else your group talked about.
(1)目標達成を実現する人の考え方とは?成功するためのコツを解説| 株式会社アウェアネス
(2)絶対に目標達成したいときの3ステップと成功率を高めるテクニック (minchalle.com)
(3)目標達成のカギは、『意志』+『環境』=『習慣化』! – スピーキング特化型オンライン英会話
(4)目標は「意志の力」で達成できるほど甘くない | リーダーシップ・教養・資格・スキル | 東洋経
済オンライン | 社会をよくする経済ニュース (toyokeizai.net)
Backcasting – one of the methods that help you create a plan
There are tons of issues that need to be solved everywhere. Some are global related, some are about Japan, and others are personal related. When it comes to the global issue, global warming is the first issue that comes to our mind. Speaking of Japan, low birth rate is one of the biggest issues we need to solve. As for personal level, enhancing English skill is one of the matters that needs to be addressed.
So, how should these issues be solved? There are several different ways to approach problem-solving, but I would like to focus on the method called “Backcasting”.
Backcasting: a business planning method in which future desired conditions are envisioned and steps are then defined to attain those conditions, rather than taking steps that are merely a continuation of present methods extrapolated into the future.
“Backcasting” method emerged in 1970s, and was used for creating ideas to solve the environmental issues. The method has several advantages: 1) creating solutions and strategies from completely new ideas. 2) Easily approaching “troublesome theme” which is no correct answer.
In the workshop, we would like you to pick an issue and make an ideal figure for the issue. On top of that, I would be grateful if you could come up with measures using “Backcasting”. I hope the discussion helps you think of new ideas in your private life and business.
Ice breaking (5 minutes)
What is your ideal life in 10 years? If you have one, please share it with your group members.
If not, please give some reason why you do not have it.
Planning on issues
Step 1 (5 minutes): Enumerate problems you think “Japan” is currently facing.
I will give you some keywords to help you think, but you may enumerate anything that are not related to them below.
Economy, education, population, environment, livelihood, gender, transportation
Step 2 (5 minutes): Select one of the issues listed in Step 1 and set a vision of what it should be like in 2032, 10 years from now.
Key point: not worry about the current situation, resources we currently have, or in the past.
Step 3 (15 minutes): Planning on how to achieve a goal and think of what should be done.
1. 「バックキャスティングとは」
https://shikaku-kaigi.jp/pickup/backcasting/ by 株式会社ラーニングプロセス
2. Method 16 of 100: Backcasting