第37回 WORKSHOP報告(5月12日) / 参加者84名




《 今回のworkshop 》



<英語サークル E’s club 第37回workshopのご案内>

みなさまこんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。第37回workshopの詳細をお送りいたします。

<first half>

THEME: What is a good service like?

(A) [ Discussion / 25 minutes / Group of 4 persons ]
Q1: Please describe the best service or hospitality you have ever had.
Q2: After sharing your table members’ experiences, please summarize the points of the best service.

(B) [ Role-play / 20 minutes / Group of 4 persons ]
1: Set up a situation to learn how to provide a good service in English.
[ at a clothes shop, hotel reception, etc…]
2: Divide 4 persons into 2 groups(2 persons x 2 teams).
3: Have a talk with your partner to decide your role( a customer or a clerk… ) and dialogue.
4: One team starts to act.
5: After an acting, the other team makes a comment on the acting.
6: Switch places each other(The other team starts to act.).

<latter half>

Agenda: What qualities do we need in our 21st century leaders?

<General questions about leaders>
1. Who do you think is the best 21st century leader in the world?
2. Considering the current worsening economic situation where the lifetime employment and seniority system are collapsing,
what should leaders do to maintain employee motivations and morale?

<Questions about the material below>
3. What are the differences between traditional leaders and 21st century leaders?
4. Please see the sentence (1)[ A blended ~ leadership qualities ].
Do you agree that these qualities are necessary? If there are more, please add to the list above.
5. Please see the phrase (2) [ the constraints of outmoded thinking ].
What are “the constraints of outmoded thinking”?
6. What kinds of aspects should your current workplace improve to become a 21st century style company?
What should you do to become a 21st century leader in your current workplace?

《Leadership qualities for the 21st century》
Editorial / August 2007

21st century leaders are finding it hard to cope with the increasingly
complex and consistently fast paced nature of their businesses. Immersed
in a world of volatile markets, leadership failures even among highly
feted CEOs continue to rise as we enter the new millennium.
The pressure is now on to find answers to the question: ‘what qualities
do we need in our 21st century leaders?’
Many significant companies in the USA have seen a rise in CEO churn in
recent years – but this phenomenon is not confined to the USA alone.
Analysts say that 60 percent of all major companies worldwide have
replaced their CEO at least once since 1995.
Some researchers blame shareholder pressures, a lack of the right
leadership or unwise CEO appointments. But maybe traditional leadership
no longer operates effectively given the new business challenges where
obsolete leadership models are less effective in dealing with current issues.

Leaders for 21st century businesses
Since the 1980s business structures have become less hierarchical – more
flattened, more fluid. Today’s businesses are driven by relationships
that make the most of people’s knowledge and enabled by networks with
improved connectivity. These developments have meant businesses can
respond better to their dynamic global environments. Further, the
emergence of extended enterprises, consisting of several independent but
networked businesses, is creating new ‘value webs’ through collaboration
and various forms of partnership.
Changing markets, flatter organizations and new partnering arrangements
have given 21st century leaders many roles, multiple stakeholders and an
increasingly fragmented job where they continually face trade-offs in
time, energy and focus. Their challenges include:
・ matching their leadership style to a fast-moving, complex, technology enabled business
・ holding multiple perspectives without being overloaded
・ working with others in virtual teams, often in other countries
・ articulating a compelling future vision
・ guiding disparate groups of people to deliver business goals
・ cutting unnecessary overheads today while building for tomorrow

This complex world demands new leadership beliefs and behaviors – not
just from single CEO leaders, or even the whole top team – but from
leaders distributed throughout the organization, leaders who can
motivate, empower, articulate and innovate.
New leadership qualities for new businesses
The requirements business is placing on its leaders are constantly
changing – evidenced by an increasing number of books and articles on
leadership since the 1960s.
Most leaders recognize today’s challenges but do not know how to respond
because they are unable to think differently about their role.
Traditional leadership attitudes and behaviors have trapped them in an
outdated meaning of leadership where their thoughts and actions are
ineffective in dealing with 21st century complexity.
(1) [ A blended 21st century leadership style is emerging with a new set of leadership qualities ]:
・ brings new perspectives and confronts threats head on
・ seeks new solutions outside predictable areas
・ open-minded and curious about their environment
・ mobilizes their company to take advantage of new market opportunities
・ views business as a networks of communities and works across boundaries
・ uses collaboration and partnerships to maximize sustainable growth

Leading into the new millennium
Building 21st century leadership qualities means acknowledging that
leadership still means showing people the way. But it also means
clearing the path so others in the business can lead too. 21st century
leaders know the importance of a context for action – and that
leadership attitudes and behaviors determine the context in which others will act.
Traditional leaders believe their authority comes from a previous track
record of delivering business results. Their hierarchical position gives
them confidence to tell others what to do and how to act in pursuit of
business goals. Their behavioral responses reflect these beliefs – but
these beliefs can be recalibrated to help leaders loosen
(2) [ the constraints of outmoded thinking ] to act in new ways that are more
effective in a discontinuous, complex environment.
But are 21st century leaders born or can they be made? Leaders have
always been able to develop their skills through coaching, seminars and
training course – and gaining 21st century leadership skills is no different.
With a more effective set of leadership qualities, 21st century leaders
are less reliant on ‘how things should be’ to approach business
challenges and opportunities with an enquiring mind – one that makes
room for new possibilities. By embracing complexity calmly and
confidently they are better able to lead their businesses into the new
millennium and deliver sustainable growth that increases business value.








