第30回 WORKSHOP報告(1月21日) / 参加者87名






○【前半】:ワールドカフェ [AGENDA] “What should OURSELVES do to secure our lives after the age of  60?”

○【後半】:ディスカッション [AGENDA]”How should a COMPANY secure employees at the age of 60-65?”






[AGENDA] “What should OURSELVES do to secure your lives after the age of  60?”





















○【後半】:ディスカッション [AGENDA]”How should a COMPANY secure employees at the age of 60-65?”












<英語サークル E’s club 第30回workshopのご案内>
みなさまこんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。第30回workshopの詳細をお送りいたします。

<first half>


Juanita Brown(アニータ・ブラウン)氏とDavid Isaacs(デイビッド・アイザックス)氏によって、1995年に開発・提唱されました。

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一度E’s clubでもこの手法を取り入れてみたいと思います。




今回のworkshopでは、Mさんからlatter halfの議題
“How should a company secure employees at the age of 60-65? ”
【前半:ワールドカフェ】”What should OURSELVES do to secure your lives after the age of  60?”
【後半:通常のディスカッション】”How should a COMPANY secure employees at the age of 60-65?”
AGENDA《What should OURSELVES do to secure your lives after the age of  60?》
<latter half>
Agenda: “How should a company secure employees at the age of 60-65?”
1.    Does your company introduce continued-employment system?  If yes, what are the conditions/qualifications to the re-employed staff?  How are they evaluated by the company and by each staff member?
If you are a student, please share your experience from a part time job.  Or you can comment as if you were an employee/employer.

2.  “Continued-employment system” is the most probable choice upon re-hiring retired staff for the majority of companies.  What are the pros and cons?  Do you agree to introducing this system?

3.    According to the article, companies also have options to choose “raising the retirement age,” “abolishing the retirement age” besides “continued-employment system.”  What are pros and cons of each choice?

4.    Taking account your current working environment and/or future plan, which do you think is the best among those three (“raising the retirement age,” “abolishing the retirement age” and “continued-employment system.”)
Older workers valued / But no jobs for some(The Daily Yomiuri)
Japan’s baby boomers, who account for more than 5 million workers, or 8.4 percent of the nation’s total labor force, start reaching the retirement age of 60 in 2007.
With the revised law on the employment of the elderly to be enforced in April, companies will be required to employ senior workers beyond their retirement age, while many of the baby boomers are hoping to remain in the workforce beyond 60.
Daily Yomiuri Staff Writers Atsuko Matsumoto, Ikuko Kitagawa and Hiroshi Hirai report how companies are responding to the mass retirement of baby boomers and their requirements under the revised law.
Known as a generation that keeps going in the face of adversity and that made Japan the world’s second-biggest economy, it is little wonder firms are reluctant to lose their baby-boomer workers.
Toyo Engineering Corp., an engineering contractor based in Narashino, Chiba Prefecture, is one company that has already taken action ahead of the impending retirement of a 10th of its workforce.
Describing the benefit of having baby boomers on the payroll, Katsumi Endo, general manager of the company’s Human Capital Development Division, said: “Baby boomers really have a higher quality as a workforce [than other generations]. They don’t give up easily, maybe because they always faced tough competition as they grew up.”
In April, Toyo Engineering plans to introduce the Powerful Career Option program, in which workers can apply for a job within the company and its affiliates after reaching the retirement age of 60. “Almost everyone eligible will apply to work under the new system,” Endo said.
The firm, which currently has 973 full-time employees, will lose about 120 workers between 2007 and 2009 if they are not reemployed under the new system. These experienced workers mainly lead projects to construct factories at home and abroad or support project managers in dealing with customers.
Although the firm recruited a relatively large number of rookies to start in April, it said it hoped to keep many baby boomers on the payroll.
Firms race to meet revised law
Toyo Engineering is one of a few companies to have devised a program ahead of the April enforcement of the revised law. Many other firms are still struggling, or even reluctant, to meet the requirements of the new system.
“For many companies, from now up until April is the busiest time to come up with a new employment system [for those aged 60 and older],” said personnel specialist Kazuo Omura, a veteran adviser of elderly employment in Tokyo.
Under the revision, all companies with a retirement age set below 65 will be required to gradually secure the employment of workers up to the age of 65 in one of three ways:
— Raising the retirement age.
— Creating a continued-employment system.
— Abolishing the retirement age.
Omura says most companies have been reluctant to announce their new employment systems, instead taking a wait-and-see approach to determine how other firms respond to the change. While violators will not be punished, they are subject to receiving an advice, instruction or warning from the health, labor and welfare minister.
The business community is generally opposed to the move as it increases personnel costs, thereby lowering competitiveness.
But while Toyo Engineering’s Endo admitted hiring seniors would raise personnel costs, he said the firm would minimize the extra burden by reducing the salaries of those who continue working, by 25 percent for example.
“Experienced workers can be dispatched to affiliated firms abroad to train people working there, contributing to an increase in the company’s productivity, so it’ll come out even,” he said.
The rise in the starting age for pension payments, which was introduced in April 2001, is another aspect of the change.
The government has been gradually raising the eligible age for pension payments. For example, male salaried workers who were born between April 2, 1947, and April 1, 1949, are not eligible to receive the basic part, or fixed amount portion, of the two-tier pension program until turning 64, although they are entitled to receive the portion calculated based on earnings during their employment (see bar graph, right).
According to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, the law was revised mainly to secure job opportunities for those who will not be eligible for part of the pension after their retirement.
“With the revision, the government also is hoping that skilled seniors who want to continue working will contribute to society at a time when Japan’s working population has been declining,” an official of the ministry’s employment security bureau said.
One firm that has taken action to address the pension change is Kagome Co., a Nagoya-based food product company.
The company plans to expand its system for continued employment, which currently offers workers about \140,000 a month by working part-time up to the age of 63, in addition to a monthly pension payment of \110,000. Its new system will allow workers to stay in full-time employment until the age of 65.
“The current system is designed to only complement the pension payment. But in the new system, a worker could earn \250,000 from Kagome because they wouldn’t start receiving the pension at the age of 60,” said Tatsuhiro Noda, general manager of the company’s Human Resources and General Affairs Department.
Performance key to retention
But can everyone hoping to continue working beyond 60 do so?
According to a recent survey by Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., nearly 80 percent of baby boomers questioned hoped to continue working after reaching the retirement age. But not every firm intends to rehire all its senior staff.
Under Kagome’s new system, only employees graded as “excellent” contributors to the company are allowed to stay on after turning 63. “I want to emphasize that you can’t keep working until 65 if you don’t work hard,” Noda said. “We prepared the new system for continued employment until the age of 65, so I want employees to become more serious about working.”
Although no nationwide data are available yet on businesses’ employment systems for seniors from April, most are expected to introduce continued employment.
According to a survey conducted by the Aichi Employers’ Association in October, 96 percent of its member companies questioned said they had decided to introduce or were considering introducing a continued-employment system, while only 2.6 percent said they would raise the retirement age. None said they would abolish the retirement age.
Keio University Prof. Yoshio Higuchi said the mandatory retirement system had two aspects: employees having to retire at the age of 60, while being guaranteed employment until then.
The United States, which prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of age, has been seen as a model for Japan, but Higuchi pointed out a key difference. “Employers in the United States have the option of firing employees, whereas Japanese companies can’t. This means workers could stay in firms for good if the firms abolished the retirement age,” he said.
A continued-employment system, on the other hand, allows companies to sort out employees depending on their ability, such as their quality of work, working hours, attitude and health conditions among others, enabling firms to select who they want to keep.
Omura said, “Companies want to renew themselves to make employees work more effectively at the time of retirement.”
To stay in a job, workers, particularly white-collar employees, need to demonstrate their particular skills.
Higuchi said most Japanese companies, which have had white-collar baby boomers as their main labor force for decades, did not give them freedom to build their own careers. As a result, these employees believe they have no special skills, having only done what they were assigned to do.
But, in fact, many such people have developed expertise in their own fields, Higuchi said.
To smoothly facilitate the changes from April, not only employers, but also employees need to be more aware of building their careers, he said.
Workers facing retirement should work out what they like doing, so they can show their employers their value, he added.
Source: “The Daily Yomiuri” ( http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/features/0004/08.htm )