第271回 Workshop報告(12月14日)


How KFC Became a Christmas Tradition in Japan


Q1. Are you going to have KFC for Christmas dinner this year? Why or why not?

Q2. What was Mr. Okawara’s role in serving KFC chicken?

Q3. What is the title of the popular KFC Christmas jingle?

Q4. Is there a particular Christmas meal you look forward to each year?



Low-context or high-context communication


The ways of expressing our opinions or feelings are quite different from country to country. It is true that such differences partly arise from differences among individuals, but there are surely cultural characteristics. Knowledge about such characteristics is useful to prevent misunderstanding and adopt well to the international society. Although there are many points of view to categorize such ways of communication, I would like to introduce one method of categorization; “low-context or high-context” communication. Here, I will show the definition of each side.


Good communication is honest, simple and clear. A message is expressed and interpreted literally and doesn’t include much connotations. Ambiguous, vague expressions are avoided.


Good communication is implicit, coded and glancing. A message is expressed and interpreted indirectly and includes connotations. It’s usually implied modestly and rarely expressed clearly. The real meaning or intention of words are usually affected or changed depending on the context(*).

(*)Context means culture, situation, or shared knowledges among family and friends.

In this material, I would like you to see things from both low-context and high-context communicator’s side and enjoy the difference of communication style.

For example, if an exhausted tourist from Iran who has just finished his long journey says “I’m not hungry,” what do you think his real intention is?


Q1. Which communication style do you usually use, low-context or high-context?

Q2. What is important to communicate in the situations below? Do you come up with any nice tips?

A. You are a low-context communicator. You are going to talk to a low-context communicator.

B. You are a low-context communicator. You are going to talk to a high-context communicator.

C. You are a high-context communicator. You are going to talk to a low-context communicator.

D. You are a high-context communicator. You are going to talk to a high-context communicator.

Q3. You are going to be a manager of an international team of 10 people. The team includes both low-context and high-context communicators. What will you do to prevent misunderstanding and finish the project successfully?

How about a team of 100 people? Do you change or add any strategies?

<Extra question>

Q4. There are many other criteria to categorize differences in communication. What do you think about criteria below? Pick up any criteria you like and share your opinion or experience.

*Negative feedback; direct or indirect?

direct: Negative feedback to coworkers are conducted with frank, straightforward, honest words.

indirect: Negative feedback to coworkers are conducted with soft, subtle, gentle words and often accompanied by positive messages.

*Persuasion; principle basis or application basis?

principle basis: Theories and concepts come first, and then opinions and ideas are added.

application basis: Facts, remarks and opinions come first, and then theories are added only to make them persuasive. Theories and philosophical discussions are avoided in business situations.

*Trust; task basis or relationship basis?

task basis: Trusts to coworkers are built through tasks related to business. A person who does good performance is considered as reliable and trusted.

relationship basis: Trusts to coworkers are built through drinking or having lunch with them. Coworkers see deep inside of each other, talk about private lives, get to know friends of each other, and then finally get trusted.

*Difference of opinion; allow confrontation or avoid confrontation?

allow confrontation: Differences of opinion are seen as positive to a team. Confrontation isn’t a problem at all and doesn’t have any bad effect to relationship.

avoid confrontation: Differences of opinion are seen as negative to a team. Confrontation is a problem and has bad effect to solidarity or relationship of a team.


“Interpersonal Communication: High and Low Context Teaching Tool”

『異文化理解力』(エリン・メイヤー 著、田岡恵 監修、樋口武志 翻訳)





