Ideal working places
Ideal working places
What is your ideal working place? Your answer might be a quiet place, where sunlight comes in, a place with stable wifi, and so on. I basically work from home and rarely at the office. The office is well organized for working comfortably, while my apartment is not where I can focus on tasks. For example, wifi is not stable at my room. Therefore, making a working place suitable for work is very important to me.
I am interested in using a shared office because it looks refined and makes me motivated to work. Also, there are a wide variety of shared offices in Osaka. Looking at them brings me to think about what my ideal working place is.
I am sure that everyone has different preference for a working place. Today, I would like you to discuss your ideal one through this topic.
Q1. Please describe your current working place (company’s office, home, and etc.,)
Are you satisfied with it? Why or why not?
Q2. Have you ever used a shared office (such as WeWork or working styling)?
If yes, please explain your experience.
If not, would you like to use it or not? Please explain your reason.
Q.3 What is your ideal working place? (Shared office, Free address, Working from home, workcation)
I would like you to share your group’s opinion after the discussion.