第24回Online workshop報告(9月11日)

Separate surnames in a family


Separate surnames in a family

In Japan, couples are supposed to have one surname after they get married. However, Japan is the only country in the world that requires married couples to have one surname by law. The civil law, saying that either the man or the woman must adopt the other’s surname on getting married, was established in 1898.

One surname system has been a controversial issue for a long time. Either the man or the woman can choose the other’s surname. However, a survey in 2015 found that 96% of married couples chose a man’s surname. This statistics shows that one surname law is not an equal system. A wide extent of social pains and troublesome labors are accompanied by giving up one’s surname, such as losing your socially recognized name, changing names of all public services, and loss of your identity. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women criticizes the one surname law as gender discrimination and advises the Japanese government to revise the law to allow having a separate surname for married couples.

In contrast to the strong demands for having separate surnames, strong opposition against separate surnames also exists in public opinion. Some people opposed separate surnames, saying that separate surnames would lead to the collapse of the traditional family system.

What do you think about this issue? Please share the opinion of your group about Q.4 at the end.


1. Do you want to keep your surname or not when you get married? And why?

2. What do you think about a separate surnames system? Are you for or against it?

3. Do you think family unity will be collapsed by having different surnames? Why or why not?

4. What factors do you think create a family bond?


The couples accused of destroying Japan’s families


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