第214回 Workshop報告(2月22日) /参加者39名

《 今回のworkshop 》
○ workshop参加人数:39名
○ 前半: Living in the city” or “Living in the countryside
○ 後半: The Water Pollution Caused by Plastic Waste


<Agenda>“Living in the city” or “Living in the countryside”

Many people have returned to their hometown during the New Year holidays.
I also returned to my hometown and ate some local foods that I wouldn’t normally eat and spent a relaxed time.
When I was chatting after the holiday in the office, a colleague from the rural area in Tohoku district said, “Recently, depopulation has been occurring in my hometown.”
His friends and the younger generation come to the city to get jobs or go to school. He also came to Osaka after finding a job.

Urban life is attractive. There are 24-hour convenience stores everywhere and we can easily go to cinemas and shopping malls on holiday.
However, there are many problems such as traffic jams, crowded trains, and air pollution.
On the other hand, living in the countryside is often inconvenient because the public transportation system is not well developed so cars are indispensable wherever you go.
However, it will be irreplaceable for those who enjoy the rich nature and slow life.

By the way, earlier this year, Toyota announced the plan to build the “smart city”.
In that city, the company plans to verify new technologies such as automatic driving EVs, indoor robots and power generation systems using fuel cells.
If such smart cities are created everywhere in the future, the way of thinking about “urban area” and “rural area” may be drastically changed.

City vs country: where’s the better place to live?

Is it healthier to live in the countryside?

国土交通白書 2018 (第I部 第2章・第3章)

https://global.toyota/jp/newsroom/corporate/31170943.html (Japanese)

【Introduction】Please introduce your hometown (or where you live now) and share in the group what is famous for (foods, tourist spots, festivals, etc.).

Q1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of “Living in the city”?
(Hint for discussion: Environment, Communication, Cost of living, Entertainment, Job, Security, Technology, Transportation)

Q2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of “Living in the countryside”?

Q3. What is your ideal life now? Please indicate which is better: “urban living” or “rural living”? What about in the future?

Q4. Please choose the “city” or “countryside” in the group.
If you become the mayor of that town, please show some good measures to attract citizens.



The Water Pollution Caused by Plastic Waste

Hello everyone, I have questions for you. Have you ever experienced that you go to the beach or the coast and find a lot of plastic there??  How did you feel when you saw it? In my case, I felt it’s dirty, dangerous and kind of bad smell. But, now I have noticed it is not the only problem on the beach or coast, but also it affects the under the sea and ocean.

There is the discussion whether this problem actually exists or not, but this time I want to talk about water pollution caused by the plastic waste problem in detail.

I like animals and there are many animals that live under the sea. However, the danger is approaching the ocean. The one of cause is plastic. A report shows that the amount of plastic would overtake the amount of fish by 2050. (World economic forum 2016)I want you to know and rethink about this problem this time. And I would be happy if this time could be meaningful for you.   


Q1. Did you know anything about the water pollution caused by plastic waste before today?

  Do you think we should solve this problem urgently or not?

Q2. Some companies/governments started to reduce plastic waste, if you have watched the news about it, please share what kind of activities have started around the world.

Q3. Do you support reusable bag activity? It is one of the solutions for plastic waste in our daily life. Please share your opinion/action for reusable bag activity.

Q4. If we need to solve the plastic waste problem, do you have more ideas for solving? Feel free to use your phones to research on the most effective solutions. We’ll then break into groups to share information.

Q5. Are you going to do something for solving the plastic waste problem from today? Please share what you would do after today. (You won’t do anything could be an answer, please share why.)




