第179回 WORKSHOP報告(8月18日) / 参加者47名

《 今回のworkshop 》
○【前半】:”What does “Music” mean for your daily life?”
○【後半】:”Defining the 21st century”


If my memory is correct, I got to know about music maybe when I was in kindergarten, and after that time, I usually was listening mostly the music instructed by parents. However, after elementary school, many music were introduced by my friends and teachers. I had a lot of chances to endeavour many kinds of music I never know.
After that I could not live without music, anytime Music is always together with me, and make me happy by listening it. But why music has so much power? We would like to discuss this power of music today and enjoy it!!

Title : What does “Music” mean for your daily life?

1. Do you like music? If yes, please share your favorite genre of music or particular artists.
2. Please explain why you like the music shared in question no.1.
(Please appeal how that music is good)
3. When do you listen music? and how? (Devices, such as Stereo, Portable, PC etc.)
4. How do you feel when you are listening music?
5. Please discuss why people love music, how it affect to our daily life.


Defining the 21st century

From this article, we can think about the major changes the world has seen in the past 20 years and think about how future historians will view this time.

1. What do you think of when you think of the 1980s and 1990s?
2. How about the 2000s and 2010s? What differences, if any, do you think about?
3. What are the biggest changes in the world you have seen in your lifetime?
4. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that the 21st century started in year 2007?
5. What do you think historians will think about when discussing year 2000 to the present?
6. Which is more impactful: major political events (wars, new leaders, etc.), or major cultural developments (technology, media, etc.)?

・it makes perfect sense – it’s completely logical
・purist – someone who wants complete accuracy to the original; in this case, accuracy in counting years
・stickler – someone who very particular about something
・Beatlemania – the extreme popularity of the band The Beatles
・setting the nation down a path – bringing the country to…
・sift through – find the few things they want among a large group
・know how that worked out – we know the result
・ushering in – introduction
・Y2K transition – many people thought that computers would shut down at the beginning of the new year 2000
・turned out to be a dud – in the end, was nothing
・aka – “also known as”; said in another way,…
・epiphanies – points of major change or realization

