第147回 WORKSHOP報告(3月25日) / 参加者72名

1.マテリアルの紹介 Kさん

2.マテリアルの紹介 Oさん


《 今回のworkshop 》

○【前半】:Relationship with friends
○【後半】:What does reading give you?
みなさまこんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。

前半は”Relationship with friends”、後半は”What does reading give you?”というタイトルでそれぞれディスカッションを行います。


Relationship with friends

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

Since I joined this club, I’ve met many people and been influenced well by them.
Communicating with other people is essential for our life and people around us enrich our life.
I would like to exchange some opinions about a relationship with friends through this workshop.

1. Is there anyone who changed or influenced your life and whom you appreciate now?
2. What do you gain from the time you spend with friends?
3. Do you have any relationship between friends, either in the real world, in a comic book or in a drama, etc., that you consider ideal?
4. What type of person do you want to become a friend? Please provide 3 points.
5. Do you make any effort to build or maintain a friendship?

What does reading give you?

The theme is reading for latter half. I’d like you to share your opinions about books with the following article and questions 1-3. In question 3, you will introduce a book you would like to recommend. Please bring a book with you, and any kinds of book such as comics, magazines, novels and self-help books are all right.

Study: The Number of Teens Reading for Fun Keeps Declining

A new study shows that kids read for fun less and less as they get older, with 45% of 17-year-olds saying they read by choice only once or twice a year.

Research released today from Common Sense Media shows that not only do reading rates decline as kids get older, but they’ve also dropped off significantly in the past 30 years. In 1984, 8% of 13-year-olds and 9% of 17-year-olds said they “never” or “hardly ever” read for pleasure. In 2014, that number had almost tripled, to 22% and 27%. Girls also tend to read more than boys, as 18% of boys say they read daily, while 30% of girls do.

Parents are also reading to their kids less than ever. In 1999, children ages 2 to 7 were read to for an average of 45 minutes per day. In 2013, that number had dropped to an average of just over 30 minutes per day. The researchers also found racial disparities: 75% of white children get read to every day, while only 66% of black children do and only 50% of Hispanic children. That disparity can translate into educational differences as well. In 2013, 46% of white fourth graders were reading proficient, while only 18% of black students and 20% of Hispanic students were reading at grade level. Those trends stayed roughly the same through eighth grade.

The decline in reading for fun is most easily explained by technological advances (i.e., kids would rather text than read), but education could have something to do with it as well. It’s no surprise that 53% of 9-year-olds read for fun every day, but only 19% of 17-year-olds do. Yes, the teenagers have more Instagrams to post, but they also have more homework to do.

But it’s impossible to ignore the prevalence of technology here: 45% of 17-year-olds say they only read once or twice a year, but in 1984, 64% said they read once a week or more. The researchers also investigated the effects of e-reading, which appear to be gaining traction as a substitute for paper books, even among kids. In 2010, 66% of 9- to 17-year-olds said they were loyal to paper books over e-books. That number dropped to 58% by 2012.

Question 1. About the article
1-1. How do you think about the article?
1-2. It is oblivious that teens’ reading rates fall. Do you think teens need to read as many books as those of three decades ago did? Share your ideas considering the following items.
   ・What we can gain from reading.
   ・Other things you think which are more important than reading for teens.

Question 2. Comparing your reading habits between in your teens and now
2-1. What kinds of books did you like to read when you were teens? Has your taste for books changed?
2-2. How often did you read when you were teens?
2-3. Do you read more books than you did when you were teens? Or less? Why has the time spent for reading increased, decreased, or kept same?

Question 3. Recommend a book (Please bring a book with you)
3-1. Please introduce a book you have recently read or got interested in to your group members. (ca. 2 min) There are tips for introducing a book.
   ・A summary of the story or the content.
   ・Why you chose the book.
   ・Contents you got impressed with.
3-2. Please ask the presenter anything about the book and share your opinions. (ca. 5 min)
3-3. Go to the next member and repeat 3-1 and 3-2.
