《 今回のworkshop 》
○【前半】: Prepare three stories about yourself, and guess if participant’s story is true or false.
みなさまこんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。
Homework assignment
Please prepare three stories about yourself. DON’T tell anyone else about your story. During the workshop you will take turns giving an introduction to one of your stories. Your story can be a true story or a lie. For example,
‘One time in Vancouver, I met the owner of Daiso, the one hundred yen shop chain.‘
You will then be asked one question by each workshop participant about your story. After everyone has asked one question, each workshop participant will have to guess if your story is true or false.
~ Introduction ~
Recently an arrests of a celebrity surprised the public. His name is Kazuhiro Kiyohara. The former professional baseball player was arrested for having and using drugs called amphetamines. As a baseball fan, I got shocked of listening to this news but at the same time got interested in doing a little research on drug issues in Japan. We all know trying those drugs is illegal and risks our lives. But this time, I would like you to think about this issue from a little different perspectives. I hope the discussion will guide us to gain more insights to this problem.
~Drug related statistics compiled by the health ministry and police department~
In 2013, 12,951 people were arrested in Japan on drug-related charges. It’s difficult to speculate from this figure how many people in the country are abusing those drugs actually, but one report by the health ministry says the number of arrests is just the tip of the iceberg, and 2.8 million people might have some experiences of possession or use of illegal substances such as stimulants, marijuana and amphetamines.
Please look up the drug names mentioned above online or in a dictionary.
What images do you have about those drugs?
~ A police research ~
One police research speculates that drugs are popular amongst truck drivers, gang members, partiers, housewives, people wanting to lose weight, and the rich. Popular places for those people to have drug accesses are clubs, raves and online stores.
Have you ever been offered to buy or use drugs from somebody?
Were you able to resist from buying or using them at the time?
If you haven’t been offered, do you think you can resist?
~ The average age ~
The average age of amphetamines abusers : 41.1
The average age of illegal stimulants known as “危険ドラッグ” abusers : 34.0
The average age of marijuana abusers : 30.9
Why do you think there are drug preferences over age groups?
~ Sex ratio of arrestees ~
Sex ratio of Japanese arrestees for possession or use of marijuana
Male : Female = 91.3% : 8.7%
Sex ratio of Japanese arrestees for possession or use of illegal stimulants
Male : Female = 88.5% : 11.5%
Sex ratio of Japanese arrestees for possession or use of amphetamines
Male : Female = 80.2% : 19.8%
Although it is clear that more men use drugs than women do in this country, the numbers of women who use amphetamines are seemingly higher than those of women who use other drugs. Why do you think women in this country show more interests in amphetamines?
~ Current drug issues in Japan ~
Japan has one of the lowest numbers of illegal drug users in the world. Comparing to other countries, trying drugs in Japan seems quite difficult. However, the number of drug users in their 40s to 50s has been steadily increasing in this country according to a report made by the health ministry.
Why do you think the number of drug users in their 40s to 50s has been increasing?
~ Marijuana: a safer choice than tobacco and alcohol? ~
Some data shows marijuana is less addictive than tobacco and alcohol beverages. Also, the use of marijuana has been legalized in some states such as Colorado in the U.S.
Do you think the use of marijuana should be legalized in Japan too if it’s less addictive than tobacco and alcohol?
~ Julie Hamp Case ~
Toyota’s first ever female higher-executive Julie Hamp was arrested for possession of powerful painkiller “oxycodone” last year. Because of the arrest, she was forced to resign from her newly assigned position even though she denied her intention of breaking Japanese drug rules. Oxycodone is actually a relatively common prescription drug in the U.S., but is designated as a narcotic in Japan.
Was it fair for Toyota to remove her from the position?