第54回 WORKSHOP報告(2月16日) / 参加者87名

第54回 WORKSHOP報告(2月16日) / 参加者87名




《 今回のworkshop 》


















































Iさんは大学で「International public policy」を学ばれておられ、この分野のなかでも教育に関する政策は、非常に重要であるとディスカッション前のスピーチにおいても話されていました。いま30代後半のメンバーにとっては、土曜日の授業はおなじみだったと思われますが、週5日制が定着して10年以上が経過しているので、再び週6日制に戻るとなると、さまざまな方面に影響が出ることが考えられますね。
















<英語サークル E’s club 第54回workshopのご案内>


みなさまこんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。第54回workshopの詳細をお送りいたします。







What is it ?? In English Please ??















1 Self-introduction and theme selection (10mins)

First please give your self-introductions and select two themes from the list below in your group.






2 Group work (15mins)

1) Divide 6 people into 2 teams. Call them Team1 and Team2.


2) Assign one theme to each team.


3) Please think and talk about how you can explain the theme.

And prepare for the presentation in each team.


3 Asking and Presentation (2mins×2)

First Team1 is Japanese and Team2 is foreigner.

1) Team2 asks about the theme like “What is (Theme)?”


2) Team1 makes a presentation that answers the question from Team2.


Each person has to give some explanation.


3) Change the roles of Team1 and Team2 and repeat 1) and 2) with another theme.


4 Evaluation and feedback (5mins×2)

Please evaluate the presentations each other. (How well you understand the explained theme.)

And give some opinions and feedback.



1 自己紹介とテーマ選定(10分)


– テーマ –





2 グループワーク(15分)





3 発表(2分×2)


1) Team2 の方は “What is (Theme)?” というような形でテーマについてTeam1に尋ねてください。

2) Team1 はTeam2からの問いに答える形でそのテーマについて説明してください。



3) Team1と2の役割を変え1) と 2)を再度行ってください。


4 評価とフィードバック(5分×2)







Should all elementary and secondary schools in Japan have classes on Saturdays again?




1.)Do you think the scholastic ability of Japanese students is declining? And why?


2.)What do you think is the advantage of having classes on Saturdays?

(Example:Students’ scholastic ability will improve. Children will have

enough time to study. Children might not have to go to cram school…)


3.)What do you think is the disadvantage of having classes on Saturdays?

(Example:The burden of teachers and students will increase. It costs

much to have one more class in a week. Children will lose time to

spend with their family…)


4.)Should all elementary and secondary schools in Japan have classes on Saturdays?


5.)If all schools in Japan had classes on Saturdays, what should be

the type of Saturday classes?(Adding the number of normal classes, or

beginning the new subjects such as presentation, debate, or speech, etc.)





●Reference 1: Japan considers 6-day school week; teachers are not enthusiastic


About the five-day school week which is the current system in public

schools across Japan, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,

Science and Technology is considering Saturday classes and a

re-introduction of the 6-day school system that was phased out between

1992 and 2002.


In seeking the use of Saturdays, the Ministry hopes to improve the

academic ability of the nation’s youth by securing more teaching

hours. It also hopes to deal with the “education gap” between public

school and private school, which continues Saturday classes.


(An omission)


The Ministry would like to not only relieve the burden for classes on

ordinary days by using Saturdays to teach main subjects such as math

and Japanese, but also increase the total number of standard

instructional hours per year.(It is currently set from 850 to 1,015 hours).


The Central Council for Education, an advisory organ, is going to

consider the proposal and is expected that detail such as timing and

method of introducing Saturday classes will be solved there. According

to the law, teachers can work a forty-hour week, and it means more

teachers must be hired in order to start Saturday classes. It is also

the problem for Saturday classes and it is not so easy to reach the

conclusion of the method for 6-day school system.


According to the survey conducted by the Tokyo Elementary School PTA

Council, 86% of parents and 38% of teachers were in favor of Saturday

classes while 7% and 52% respectively were opposed. Education Minister

Hakubun Shimomura said, “I really would like to introduce Saturday

classes, and solve issues such as gaining national understanding.”

(From The Mainichi, Jan.13,2013 )




●Reference 2: Kids’ academic ability can be improved more

(※This article is a little old and based on the result of PISA in

2009. This is because the result in 2012 has not been released at the

present time)


The decline in Japanese children’s academic ability has seemingly been

stopped. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on

Tuesday released the results of academic aptitude tests it conducted

last year under the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA).


The PISA tests have been conducted every three years since 2000, and

the latest tests were given to 15-year-old students in 65 countries

and regions who had finished their compulsory education. These tests

assess how students apply their knowledge in real life.


In the first PISA tests, Japanese students ranked top in mathematical

literacy, second in science and eighth in reading.

Since then, however, Japanese students had been slipping down the

ladder. They ranked 15th in reading in the 2006 tests, a result that

shocked Japanese educators.


In the latest tests, Japanese students ranked eighth in reading, ninth

in mathematics and fifth in science, showing improvement in every field.

The improvement apparently stemmed from changes made to the so-called

cram-free education policy of the Education, Culture, Sports, Science

and Technology Ministry, and schools’ efforts to encourage students to

read more. The education ministry must have breathed a sigh of relief

at the latest findings.

The next academic year will usher in the full implementation of new

teaching guidelines that require more content to be taught in

classrooms. We hope teachers will unswervingly try to improve

students’ academic ability even further.


However, the latest results also revealed some disturbing problems.

More than 10 percent of Japanese students were among the lowest

achievers in all three academic categories. Students in this group are

considered likely to have difficulty living as members of society.

These figures were strikingly high among the top 10 countries and regions.

Are any students being left behind because they do not understand what

is being taught? It is important that teachers give meticulous

attention to these students to help them learn and overcome their difficulties.


In exam questions that required written answers, many Japanese

students simply left blank spaces.

Schools and parents need to get creative in helping children learn to

express themselves. Getting children into the habit of regularly

reading books and newspapers and organizing their thoughts would be

one way of doing this.


Teaching methods need to be verified and improved to ensure children’s

academic ability improves. In this respect, the National Achievement

Exams in which children are tested on their ability to apply their

scholastic skills–just like the PISA tests–would be quite effective.

(From Yomiuri Shimbun, Dec. 9, 2010)











