第81回 WORKSHOP報告(4月26日) / 参加者78名

第81回 WORKSHOP報告(4月26日) / 参加者78名












《 今回のworkshop 》




○【前半】:”Introduce Japan”というテーマでディスカッション


○【後半】:”Osaka Metropolitan Government Plan”というテーマでディスカッション




<英語サークル E’s club 第81回workshopのご案内>


みなさまこんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。




前半は”Introduce Japan”、後半は”Osaka Metropolitan Government Plan”というテーマでそれぞれディスカッションを行ないます。




Introduce Japan



人と会話をする時、何かを紹介したり説明したり、情報を与えたりすることが実に多いことと思います。皆様は英語で自己紹介や家族、仕事内容を紹 介することなどには慣れていると思いますので、今回は日本のことを紹介することにチャレンジしてみましょう。きっと英会話の幅が拡がり会話のネタも増える ことでしょう。また、これを通じて実は知っているようで知らなかった日本を再認識し、より深く自分の国を知るきっかけとなるかもしれません。



1. Introduce yourself briefly. (30 seconds)


2-1. The first speaker casts the dice and decides the category.

-2. Choose one topic from the category. (If you are non-Japanese, you can choose the question or the instruction from category 7.)

-3. Introduce the topic. (1 min.-2 min.)


3. The other members ask questions. (at least 2 members must have questions)


4. Rotate a speaker clockwise.


Note) You cannot choose the topic which was already introduced by other members.


Category 1 Land, Climate, Calendar, Showplace


日 本列島/地震/火山/四季/台風/梅雨/津波/黄砂/元旦/成人式/建国記念の日/雛祭り/ゴールデンウィーク/彼岸/盆/だんじり祭/体育の日/文化の 日/大晦日/二十四節季/富士山/琵琶湖/仁徳陵/大阪城/高野山/東大寺/金閣寺/伊勢神宮/出雲大社/ USJ/あべのハルカス/なんばグランド花月/東京ディズニーランド/東京スカイツリー


Category 2 History, Famous figure


古 墳/平安京/幕府と将軍/侍/武士道/参勤交代/大政奉還/明治維新/関東大震災/日清戦争/日露戦争/日中戦争/太平洋戦争/東京オリンピック/バブル 崩壊/伊勢湾台風/雲仙岳噴火/阪神大震災/東日本大震災/卑弥呼/聖徳太子/紫式部/平清盛/源頼朝/足利尊氏/フランシスコ・ザビエル/織田信長/豊 臣秀吉/徳川家康/徳川慶喜/西郷隆盛/坂本龍馬/伊藤博文/福沢諭吉/夏目漱石/山本五十六/黒澤明/竹下登/細川護煕/村山富市/橋本龍太郎/安倍晋 三/村上春樹/宮崎駿


Category 3 Modern culture, Custom, Event, Religion


温 泉/銭湯/風呂/旅館/料亭/居酒屋/アニメ/漫画/ドラえもん/サザエさん/アンパンマン/ちびまる子ちゃん/アイドル/タレント/AKB48/お笑い /カワイイ/オタク/草食系/カラオケ/パチンコ/折り紙/デパ地下/おじぎ/ポケットテッシュの配布/年賀状/暑中見舞/おしぼり/新聞配達/飲食店で 水・茶が無料/試食/お年玉/本屋での立ち読み/ブックカバー/お守り/おみくじ/色/初詣/花見/紅葉狩り/花火大会/バレンタインデー/修学旅行/運 動会/文化祭/避難訓練/忘年会/新年会/結婚式/披露宴/神社/寺/仏像/仏教/神道/八百万の神


Category 4 Technology, Tradition, Hobby




Category 5 Society, Politics, Education, Thought


日 本国憲法/国会/議院内閣制/象徴天皇制/政党/与野党/裁判員裁判/自衛隊/イージス艦/防空識別圏/集団的自衛権/米軍基地問題/ゆとり教育/受験戦 争/学習塾/予備校/外国語教育/就職率/フリーター/ニート/派遣社員/待機児童/過疎化/人口現象/晩婚化/晩産化/少子化/消費税増税/春闘/靖国 神社/交番/国旗/国歌/保険制度/日本の通貨/100円ショップ/コンビニ/わび・さび/間


Category 6 Living, Food, Language


着 物/浴衣/下駄/和食・日本料理/本膳料理/懐石料理/会席料理/精進料理/おせち/だし/味噌汁/米/漬物/納豆/梅干/わさび/醤油/日本酒/焼酎 /さしみ/駅弁/鍋料理/牛丼/お好み焼き/たこ焼き/串カツ/和菓子/もち/せんべい/土産用菓子/ラーメン/そば/うどん/カレーライス/B級グルメ /てんぷら/寿司/居酒屋/箸/麺類をすする/出前/畳/障子/ふすま/布団/玄関/どうも/ちょっと/すみません/もったいない/お疲れ様/はいといい え/よろしくお願いします/つまらないものですが/おかげ様で/久し振り/音読みと訓読み/敬語/ひらがな/カタカナ/漢字/日本語/方言


Category 7 (for non-Japanese members)


・What is your favorite Japanese food?


・What is your distasteful Japanese food?


・What is your favorite Japanese culture?


・Where is your favorite place in Japan?


・Where is your most memorable place in Japan?


・What is difficulty in speaking Japanese?


・What is difficulty in studying Japanese language?


・What is surprising Japanese behavior?


・What is surprising Japanese manners?


・What are differences between your country and Japan?


・Who is your favorite Japanese artist?


・Who do you know Japanese historical person?


・What do you think about characteristics of Japanese people?


・Introduce famous foods in your country.


・Introduce famous person in your country.


・Introduce famous festival in your country.


・Introduce popular or traditional sports in your country.


・Introduce the political system in your country.


・Introduce the most important holiday in your country.


・Is there any problem in education system in your country?





日本文化キーワード事典  http://www.japanlink.co.jp/ka/

日本のキホン  http://www.alc.co.jp/eng/hontsu/kihon/

英会話.com  http://www.eikaiwagakushu.com/nihonbunka/nihonbunka.html

英語のゆずりん  http://english.chakin.com/eul-japan.html

Japan guide .com  http://www.japan-guide.com/





Osaka Metropolitan Government Plan


Mr. Toru Hashimoto has won the re-election of Osaka’s mayor on March 23. However, the election ended up with a record low turnout of 23.5%.

Today I’d like to discuss “Osaka metropolitan Government”, a plan to integrate the administrative functions of Osaka Prefecture with the cities of Osaka and Sakai to form a government structure which is similar to Tokyo.



Question 1.

What do you think the upsides and downsides of Osaka metropolitan government plan proposed by Nihon Ishin no Kai?


Question 2.

Are you for or against Osaka metropolitan government plan?



Why do you think the turnout in the re-election of Osaka’s mayor fell to 23.5%?  What do you think this low turnout shows in terms of public opinions?


Question 4.

Please give your ideas about alternative measures for Osaka prefecture and cities to reduce the debt, create better administration, and provide better services.




Hashimoto to pursue Osaka metropolis plan, referendum (March 25, 2014, Mainichi Japan)


Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto said Monday his reelection on Sunday proved public support for moving ahead with his plan to create an Osaka regional metropolitan government despite a record low voter turnout.


Osaka City will map out a blueprint for the administrative reform plan by this summer, as Hashimoto promised during the election campaign, and hold a referendum on the issue, he told a press conference in the city.


“I do not take the election outcome as people’s consent to the Osaka metropolis plan itself,” Hashimoto said. “But it is enough as a confidence vote to proceed with designing the plan and holding a referendum.”


Hashimoto earlier admitted the election outcome was not satisfying as backing for his plan to set up a Tokyo-like metropolitan government structure by merging the city and Osaka prefecture governments in April 2015.


The 44-year-old lawyer-turned-politician won the mayoral election on Sunday, but he garnered only 377,472 votes, against 750,813 in the previous poll in 2011, as voter turnout sank to a record low 23.59 percent amid an apparent lack of public interest in the administration overhaul.


Hashimoto announced his resignation as Osaka mayor last month and called the election to prove he had public backing for his goal.






「本気で考えよう 大阪の将来」(自民党大阪府連)



「ムダとムリの都構想」(youtube by 民主党大阪府連)
















