第49回 WORKSHOP報告(12月1日) / 参加者77名











《 今回のworkshop 》



















<英語サークル E’s club 第49回workshopのご案内>


みなさまこんにちは、E’s club幹事のKです。




<FIRST HALF> ~Travel planning~

Hello! I’m Hisashi Todo. Please call me Hisa. Recently it suddenly gets cold. So this is the best season we can enjoy Nabe party! After party, please don’t sleep on the cold floor directly because you can catch a cold.
Today’s topic is 「travel planning」. We discuss travel planning by each group. We create some travel planning! Let’s make the interesting idea and make a presentation!


Imagine that you are a planner of a travel agency.


1) Divide each group into 2 teams and name your team.

2) Decide the outline of the travel.     Make sure to include following contents. (theme, destination)

※Theme : How to enjoy the journey.     ※Destination : The area which you want to go like region, country, prefecture, etc.
3) Make out the itinerary in accordance with the outline and produce the brochure.     Make sure to include following contents. (price, schedule, and location)

※Location : Places which you want to go like building, river, accommodation, etc.
※If you have spare time, discuss other point. (transportation, publication, etc.)

4) Make a presentation to the other team for 2 minutes. (Each person has to present at least one point.)


<Time schedule>
0) Self-introduction     5 minutes

1) Team building     5 minutes

2) Decision of the outline     5 minutes     1.Theme     2.Destination

3) Detailed planning     20 minutes

1.Itinerary (price, schedule, location, etc.)

4) Presentation to the other team        10 minutes




みなさんこんにちは。Nです。   11月16日に衆議院が解散し、衆院選を12月16日投開票とすることが決ま りました。私も選挙は可能な限り投票に行くことにしていますが、投票前に争点
を誰かと議論して投票した経験はありません。   一方アメリカの大統領選挙を見ていると、予備選挙、党員集会、党大会などを経 て、本選挙に至るまで、多くの過程で地域のコミュニティや家庭などで、さまざ まな議論をしながら、自分が誰(どの党)に投票するのかを決めているイメージ があります。 (※とはいうものの、有権者登録制度の手間(選挙ごとに登録をする必要があ る)があるので、意外に投票率は低いようですが、、、)
ただ、今回の衆院選は、新しい政党が「乱立」といっていいくらい次々と誕生 し、各党主要な争点に対してさまざまな政策を打ち出しています。   そうなんです、正直よくわからないんです(笑)。    そこで今回の衆院選2012での皆さんの重き一票を、せっかくですので、ある意 味「楽しみながら」誰(どの党)に投票するかを決める一助になれば、と思い今 回はMOCK ELECTIONのマテリアルを作成しました。争点全てを議論することはで


1:Make groups of 6 people.

2:Discuss 3 crucial issues of the Lower House Election 2012 below for 15 minutes each.

3:All the participants write the name of ONE POLITICAL PARTY on your ballot paper.
(Not a name of candidates. Anonymous.)

4:Discuss other policies the new ruling party should realize while counting votes.

5:The result of the vote will be announced.



◎Exchange your opinions and share your knowledge.
Q1:Are you for or against the restart of nuclear power plants? And why?

Q2:Are you for or against joining TPP? And why?

Q3:Are you for or against consumption tax hike? And why?



<Political parties must spell out their visions for Japan>

The Yomiuri Shimbun


Japan stands at a crossroads. The direction it takes will be critical to determining whether Japan can remain one of the world’s leading nations.
As political gridlock continues and the economy staggers along, the people’s sense that the country is stagnating has been growing. How can the nation overcome this situation?   During the upcoming House of Representatives election campaign, we urge
each party to present the course they want Japan to pursue and a new “vision” for this nation. Each party then needs to provide voters with detailed policy proposals based on these ideas.   ===
How to overcome deflation?   In his book, Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano pointed out that the nation must wake up from its dreamlike “growth illusion” and face up to reality. Edano argues that Japan, which has become a
mature society, can no longer expect growth to just happen. Even maintaining Japan’s economic vigor is not an easy task, he says.   Behind the failure of the Democratic Party of Japan-led administration to hammer out an effective growth strategy and economy-boosting
measures, we suspect “pessimism” like Edano’s is rooted in people’s minds.   But if economic sluggishness and deflation continue, which leads to negative growth, it might further hollow out the nation’s industry and
shake the foundation of social security systems and national security.   Consequently, we believe it essential for the nation to pursue stable growth and enhance its international competitiveness so it can maintain
its national strength.   How to overcome deflation, reignite the economy and rectify disparities are probably the issues of most interest to people ahead of the election.   Liberal Democratic Party President Shinzo Abe has said his
administration, if realized, would work closely with the Bank of Japan in policy coordination to implement bold monetary easing measures. He also said the LDP-led administration would reinvigorate regional economies by “improving infrastructure to serve as investment for the
future.”   Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda had few kind words for the LDP plan, saying, “I don’t think Japan can be revitalized through a policy of promoting lavish public works projects.” Instead, he again trumpeted his
government’s revitalization strategy aimed at fostering new markets in such fields as the environment and medicine and creating jobs.   But this strategy has so far produced little. The DPJ should present
more convincing economic measures.   Japan’s future will be swayed by whether it participates in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade framework to harness the vigor of rapidly growing Asian economies. The DPJ and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan
Restoration Party) are set to vocally support joining the TPP talks.   ===   TPP, nuclear energy key issues   The LDP has taken a cautious stance on the TPP. It opposes the nation’s participation in TPP negotiations as long as the pact is premised on the
elimination of all tariffs “without sanctuary.” But Abe, stressing the LDP’s bargaining leverage, is poised to shift to a stance that supports participation in the talks. This change of tack is reasonable since the
party seeks to return to power.   In preparation for further market liberalization, deeper discussions should be held on how to strengthen the international competitiveness of Japan’s agricultural sector.
Deciding on an energy policy–especially what to do with the nation’s nuclear power plants–also will be essential in designing Japan’s future.   The DPJ has declared a policy of achieving “zero nuclear power
generation” by the 2030s.   However, it is naive to expect that renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, will smoothly become more widely used. Japan’s trade deficit has reached a record high, partly due to increased costs
for fuel for thermal power generation as a substitute for idled nuclear reactors. It seems unavoidable that electricity charges will be raised further.   There also are fears that abolishing nuclear plants will lead to
increased greenhouse gas emissions, which will have an adverse impact on the environment.   It is irresponsible to tout the “zero nuclear” policy without showing a concrete path to achieve this goal. The business world and the United
States, which concluded a nuclear energy cooperation agreement with Japan, have expressed strong concern over the nation’s energy policy.   On this point, we applaud the LDP for declaring it will “act
responsibly” to restart idled nuclear plants after it returns to power. We urge the party to reveal its medium- to long-term energy policy as well.   Integrated reform of the social security and tax systems will also be a
major issue in the election, as some parties have called for the consumption tax increase to be annulled or frozen.   Under the law on the integrated reform, which was enacted through concerted efforts by the DPJ, LDP and New Komeito, the consumption tax
rate will be raised from 5 percent to 8 percent in April 2014, and to 10 percent in October 2015.   In our view, parties are just pandering to the public if their objective is only to prevent the consumption tax from being raised. They need to
clarify how else they could fund social security costs, which are increasing by 1 trillion yen every year, and rebuild the nation’s finances.   In its campaign manifesto for the Dec. 16 election, Komeito included a
pledge to introduce a reduced consumption tax rate for daily necessities to alleviate the burden the tax hike would impose on low-income earners. We believe this reduced rate issue also might become a major topic
during the campaign.   ===   Debate security matters actively   Depending on the outcome of the election, a new administration could come to power. However, the nation’s basic policies on diplomacy and
national security, which have their foundations in the Japan-U.S. alliance, should be resolutely maintained.   Parties should spell out their plans for rebuilding ties with China and South Korea, which have been seriously strained by tensions over the
Senkaku Islands and Takeshima islands, respectively. They also should actively debate issues such as whether to enable Japan to exercise its right to collective self-defense and to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps’
Futenma Air Station in Okinawa Prefecture.   Regarding reform of the lower house electoral system, various problems have been pointed out in the current system that combines single-seat constituencies with proportional representation. We expect parties to
address this matter, including whether to reintroduce a multimember constituency system.   Parties must not skirt the issue of the division of roles between the two houses–a point that has plagued the bicameral system. The House of
Councillors, which wields too much power, is urgently in need of reconstruction, and the nation’s political functions must be restored.   Finally, we want to remind all parties that whether to amend the Constitution also is an important topic that deserves to be debated in
the election campaign.   (From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Nov. 20, 2012) (Nov. 21, 2012)


<2012選挙政党別主要公約比較表(概要)>   ブログ:Multi-Columns より


てみました。なるべく正確かつ公正な記述を心掛けましたが、たとえ不正確な記 述がありましても、政策の揺れや同一政党内にも賛否両論があること等について 既にご承知の賢明な読者諸兄の判断に影響を及ぼすとは考えられないため、微妙 なニュアンスについては気にせず記載致しました。なお、離合集散や政策変更あ るいは比較項目の追加などの都度、内容は随時更新する予定です。   下記表は、国論を二分する大議論となっているTPPへの支持度合いの強い政党順
に並べました。   みんな 維新 自民 民主 公明 生活 TPP 賛成 賛成 曖昧 賛成? 反対 反対 原発 反対 賛成 賛成 反対? 反対 反対 消費税 反対 賛成 賛成 賛成 賛成 反対     TPPについて維新は太陽との合併により参加姿勢が若干後退したため、TPP推進に 最も意欲を示している政党はみんなの党とさせて頂きました。   自民党は党内の反対派に配慮したためTPPについては明確な方針を示せなかった
との報道があったため「曖昧」としました。公約には「聖域なき関税撤廃を前提 にする限り、交渉参加に反対する」との表現が使われているようで、どちらかと いうと「反対」「消極的」との印象を受けます。   民主党はTPPに賛成する者のみ公認するとのことで公約としては明確ですが、民 主党の公約にはいろいろとあることから自民党よりもTPP賛成の度合いは弱いも のと解釈して記載しました。脱原発も公約としては明確ですが同様に疑問符をつ
けさせて頂きました。   原発について維新は太陽の政策を受け入れたと考え「賛成」との記載にしまし た。今後も政策は流動的と思われ随時更新したいと思います。   自民党は原発についても公約で明確な政策を打ち出せていませんが、「10年以 内に持続可能な電源構成のベストミックスを確立する」との表現からは原発維持 と解釈し「賛成」との表現にしました。

[その他] 総選挙の争点は何か
竹中 治堅 | 政策研究大学院大学教授 http://bylines.news.yahoo.co.jp/takenakaharukata/20121117-00022466/












